Are you ready to find a way out of the dark knight of the soul?

Perhaps, you have been left wondering at times ‘why go on’ as you are presently unable to see a future without your loved one.

Perhaps you feel guilty to experience happiness and joy again, worried that if you move forward with life, you will forget your loved one.

I totally get….

Yet, you are not meant to live this life in pain or suffering

 Are you experiencing?

  • Loss of direction, not knowing who you are grieving a life that once was, standing at a crossroad yearning reason and purpose to move forward, wondering how to live in the world after loss.

  • NO-thing but emptiness and detachment, feeling numb that this loss is the death you too died, and all you ever knew to be true about life has completely vanished.

  • A deep yearning to connect with your loved one, wondering where they are now, desiring to understand what this Life and the Afterlife is all about, to know they are Okay.

  • Heightened stress, nervousness and low vitality, feeling as though your bodies flight, fight and freeze responses are overreacting to things you wouldn’t normally.

  • The insurmountable amount of emotions of grief like: heartache, denial, irritability, relief, loneliness, anger, confusion. The list goes on, feeling overwhelmed and consumed by emotion impacting your ability to function and engage in life.

Did you know these reactions are considered normal because Grief is experienced differently from person to person.

I help souls grieve, who have become dissociated from their authentic self. I lead and empower you to rise strong from the depths of the Dark Knight of the Soul. Transforming your Life into Renewal releasing emotional pain and trauma. Activating your Divine Spark, your SOULS sense of self, place and belonging…

igniting Love, Purpose & Connection to Life.

Missed my story? Catch Up Here

Who is this for?

It is for those who are standing at a crossroads, a crucial opportunity, to change the trajectory of your life! You have always been resilient, always able to get back up after any adversity, yet this loss has crushed you to the core, this loss is the death you too have died, as you hear the cries of the Dark Knight of the Soul, deeply yearning to discover true meaning to life, your existence and that of the AfterLife.

Are you ready to activate your divine spark?

YES, I am devoted to my Spiritual Renewal & Transformation

Work through Me, with other Kindred Souls on a 12 month Powerful Grief Healing Journey!

The Journey Includes

  • ... is an unparalleled 12 month Signature Mentoring program that leads you through the experiences of grief empowering you to re-discover Who You Truly Are, your new identity after loss. Providing opportunity for insights, awareness, growth and skills so you can walk bravely forward in Life with clear direction and new meaning, your Soul’s Renewed strength of self, place and belonging.

  • ... is a private one to one sessions for you to speak safely, free of judgement, to be witnessed, deeply listened to and understood by someone who too, has walked this path of loss and risen from adversity. Empowering your voice so you feel connected and less alone, no longer silenced in grief.

  • … are guided activities and rituals to activate your five senses and interconnectedness of self, with your loved one and mother earth’s wisdom. Providing opportunities to gain insights, receive inner guidance and create memories of your loved one to keep in your heart forever as you develop skills and strategies so you can always bounce back from life’s challenges.

  • ... experience ‘Star Alchemy’ app membership an archive of recorded meditations and crystal bowl sound healings to dislodge grief, enable the calming of an overactive nervous system so you can relax a ruminating anxious mind, sleep better, feel peaceful plus more.

  • ... is a private supportive group of unity, harmony and ‘healing of regeneration of being’ to engage and bond with kindred souls on a similar journey. Empowering all voices to feel heard, understood and witnessed through shared collective wisdom. To learn, laugh and grow as we create memories in honour of our loved ones, Igniting love, purpose and connection to Life.

  • ... is an in-depth 12 month intensive masterclass and healing journey through the stages of grief and more, connecting you into a higher perspective of self and life. You will be led through a variety of activities, practices and rituals delivered through a self paced workbook to bring clarity and meaning to life’s experiences and reclaim your personal power, your personal journey of Soul Mastery.

  • … is a private one to one regression intervention focused on uncovering unhelpful subconscious memories, fears and traumas of your past including childhood. Working on all levels of consciousness, connected with your higher intelligence to release the root cause of physical, emotional behaviours impacted by Grief & Trauma Loss and free you of limiting beliefs, patterns & behaviours.

  • ... is a private one to one session to cleanse the Prana ‘life force energy’ the Chakra imbalances and emotional blockages held in the body, triggered by traumatic experiences from birth to present day. With focus on the heart chakra and lungs where grief becomes stuck to purify all dense emotions, physical symptoms of pain and re-energise the body, mind, spirit for increased health and vitality.

  • … is an impartial exploration and mystical pursuit for truth of reality triggered by Loss & Grief, in search of meaning to learn about Life, Death and the Afterlife. A curious, personal inward journey that guides you to get in touch with your spiritual self through meditation, self reflection and practical activities, resources to Awaken from a world of detachment to your world of truth and enlightenment.

  • ... is an immersive practice that uses the interconnectedness of mind and heart with the body. A control and awareness of breath that fosters a sense of calm through a meditative state of consciousness to explore the hidden universe within, the innate self. To improve one’s emotional, mental wellbeing, learn to be a master at navigating stressful emotions, integrate all aspects of self into one whole self and discover the art of happiness.

Plus so much more!

  • The new era in business calls forth brave souls and asks them to put authenticity and integrity at the heart of everything they do. Melissa is that soul! I have been blessed to have met Melissa and collaborated with her across a variety of projects. Specifically, I've entrusted her to deliver the opening ceremony at my live events. No easy feat and she doesn't put a foot wrong. Melissa is a profound facilitator & healer in her own right.

    — Myra Medhurst • Sunshine Coast

  • Melissa creates such a beautiful calm space. I felt very safe and supported. She had good rapport, and her tone and voice was gentle and calm. I felt very well led through the process. She explained the session and what to expect so well. I felt very safe and supported during the releasing of emotions. Overall, each session was amazing.

    — Veronica • North Qld

  • I found it very enlightening, and I shifted most of my limiting beliefs. I also managed to recall a number of things that I didn't know that I had remembered. Thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and Melissa was very nice and explained everything very clearly.

    — Marcus • United Kingdom

Work through Me, with other Kindred Souls on a 12 month Powerful Grief Healing Journey!

Activate Your Divine Spark

Activate Your Divine Spark ✧