Pranic Energy Healing

Pranic Energy Healing is a form of alternative medicine that is based on the fundamental principle that the human physical body has the innate ability to heal itself with the use of healthy life force energy called ‘prana’.

Pranic healing works by correcting and clearing Prana ‘energy’ blockages and imbalances, the emotional and traumatic experiences the body is holding on to from either birth to present day. Then, the physical body is re-energised with new life force energy ‘prana’ to create a healthy energy system, thus allowing for the innate body to further heal itself.  

The more negative emotion and trauma experienced in one’s life the more compromises in the functioning of this energetic system it will have, producing your physical symptoms, pain and poor health.

Maintaining good energy levels protects the mind, body and emotions from getting drained and prevents a variety of health concerns.

PEH includes all the elements of talk therapy, the emotion code method and Pranic Energy Healing, with each session approximately two hours. This process allows plenty of time for us to connect, get to know each other so you can feel relaxed.  It then moves into the energy clearing and balancing work where often spiritual guidance can be received to enhance your healing.

This journey is where you can experience profound insights and healing.

Investment: $320 AUD for a 2 hour session

Who is this for?

This Therapy is right for you if your grief has been impacted by trauma loss to suicide that has triggered past, unresolved traumas from either childhood or adult life compounding your loss and ability to grieve. It is for those wanting to be empowered to heal through grief & freed from all suffering.

 Are you experiencing?

  • The insurmountable amount of emotions of grief like: heartache, denial, irritability, relief, loneliness, anger, confusion. The list goes on, feeling overwhelmed and consumed by emotion impacting your ability to function and engage in life.

  • Fatigue causing you to become unmotivated, anxious and depressed from lack of sleep.

  • Waves of anger and resentment towards friends, family, even the deceased as no one understands your loss and anguish, left feeling abandoned in grief.

  • Disconnection with relationships/life, feeling lost and alone, possibly experiencing thoughts of not wanting to be here, as you find yourself disengaging from usual activities.


How do we heal through Pranic Energy Healing?

Using the following modalities

  • Talk Therapy so you can feel heard & deeply listened to, by someone who totally understands your sorrow, as they have travelled this path themselves. One who knows the importance for you to feel safe to speak openly about your loved one as you are nurtured compassionately to grieve in your own way and time as needed.

  • … is a private one to one session to cleanse the Prana ‘life force energy’ the Chakra imbalances and emotional blockages held in the body triggered by traumatic experiences from birth to present day. With focus on the heart chakra and lungs where grief becomes stuck to purify all dense emotions, physical symptoms of pain and re-energise the body, mind, spirit for increased health, radiance and vitality.

  • Emotion code method is so you can uncover what is happening beneath the surface where emotionally charged events and trauma from your past, have now been triggered from your loss bringing up many emotions. Once you become consciously aware of these unprocessed, trapped emotions within the heart wall, they can be released immediately relieving you of the disharmony you are now experiencing within your body.


Are you ready to be re-energised with new life force energy?

YES, Show me how to Awaken the Light Within


Investment: $320 AUD for a 2 hour session