Spiritual Counselling

Spiritual Counselling is a method of helping people deeply understand what is happening in their life, the present moment, from their experience of adversity to find a way forward out of the shadows and aftermath of grief and loss.

There is no escaping the pain of loss. It is a devastating experience for many because on the most part we are not prepared for loss. However, when we know more about death, dying and the AfterLife, we can perhaps feel less fearful and be less devastated by grief.

The passing of my son became a defining moment in my life. The devastation I felt from immense sorrow, to confusion from the many unanswered questions and feeling alone in grief with little support from people who understood my loss. While yearning to know my son Brett, the deceased, was okay.

My experience of loss highlighted that unless one has travelled this path themselves, it is difficult for others to comprehend the enormity of Grief & Loss, particularly if trauma related.  I remember that day as I stood alone at a crossroads not knowing how to move forward, yet self-determined to find a way out of this Dark Knight of the Soul, and I did! Turning Love into Action!

Rising Strong’s Spiritual Counselling evolved from my personal journey of healing through trauma loss to suicide that sparked a deep yearning to discover true meaning to life, the purpose of all our existence here on earth, including the desire to explore the Afterlife.

This unique method explores and draws upon the hidden universe ‘as within, so without’, the relationship between our inner and outer worlds. Empowering you to seek the wisdom learnings from life’s experiences, uncover one’s relationship to deeper truths, and guide you to seek higher purpose & meaning from your loss, and that, your existence with All Life. 

These wisdoms will move one out of deep emotional pain, allow opportunity to formulate one’s own answers and new beliefs to bring clarity, acceptance and peace with the loss your have suffered as you are nurtured, witnessed and deeply listened to, with compassion.

You will notice life returns to a new gentle heart rhythm in flow with life igniting love, purpose and connection to life!

Investment: $160 AUD for a 1 hour session

Who is this for?

It is for those who have reached a turning point in life where two pathways are presented before you as you hear the cries of the dark knight of the soul, the cries for change. This yearning within to discover new meaning to life after loss, heal and move into acceptance to re-enter life more fully!

 Are you experiencing?

  • Guilt, blame & feeling unheard from friends, family because they don’t understand your loss, leaving you to feel alone and unsafe to speak about your loved one, in turn silencing your grief.

  • NO-thing but emptiness and detachment, feeling numb that this loss is the death you too died, and all you ever knew to be true about life has completely vanished.

  • Heightened stress, nervousness and low vitality, feeling as though your bodies flight, fight and freeze responses are overreacting to things you wouldn’t normally.

  • Turmoil and heartache from the many unanswered questions of Why, often blaming yourself and feeling guilty wishing you could have done more?

  • A deep yearning to connect with your loved one, wondering where they are now, desiring to understand what this Life and the Afterlife is all about, to know they are Okay?

In this personal Spiritual Counselling container, you will…

FEEL HEARD and deeply listened to, by someone who completely understands your sorrow, as they have travelled this path themselves. One who knows the importance for you to feel safe to speak openly about your loved one as you are nurtured compassionately to grieve in your own way and time as needed.

RELEASE the anguish and heartache of grief and trauma loss, freeing you of the turmoil of emotions as you learn to adapt and rebuild your life around the loss you have suffered, to become whole again.

Reach a level of CLARITY and understanding surrounding the experience of your loss, as you are guided to navigate through each stage of grief, out of the shadows, forward into your new normal and life with peace and acceptance.

DISCOVER what happens when we die and where our soul transitions to, the journey of life After-life.  Learning how to connect with the intelligence of your intuitive abilities, your innate self and spirit, bringing you into personal peace and knowing that all will be okay and so is your loved one.

GAIN a new sense of identity from this loss, through the unfurling of the deep emotions to discover who you truly are, changing yourself to change your life, to engage life more consciously, uplifting you into your Souls renewed strength of self, place and belonging.

Are you ready to Awaken the Light Within?

Investment: $160 AUD for 1 hour session, reduced thereafter

The reality is that you will grieve forever.
You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you’ll learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to.
— Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler