Temple of Fire

3 hour Sacred Fire Ceremony Experience

Temple of Fire is a powerful monthly Grief & Trauma Loss healing experience that supports the letting go of life’s difficult moments.

You have always been resilient throughout life’s challenges, always able to get back up, yet you have found that this loss has crushed you to your core! I see you!

FIRE is our inner light, the Divine Spark lit within every soul yet, when we experience the loss of a loved one, it can also be the death we to die as we enter the Dark Knight of the Soul.

This sacred gathering with the Element of Fire, has great power to transmute, cleanse and make way for the new as you purge the emotional pains of grief & trauma loss through rituals. Empowering you back into your Body, Mind, Spirit presence, to Rise Strong from the ashes into your renewed strength of self and activate your souls sense of self, place and belonging.

Just as the Phoenix dies in a show of flames, the souls purging, symbolises the cycle of life and eternity in the afterlife, the eternal flame that no matter how many times you get set back, the phoenix reminds you that you have within you the fire and the means to heal and rise from the ashes into renewal and live again!

$88 AUD for a 3 hour group experience

 Who is this for?

TOF is for those feeling alone and overwhelmed from deep emotional pain of grief & loss. Who are seeking connection with others to be understood and witnessed. To give power to your voice, share your story and no longer feel silenced in Grief.

 Are you experiencing?

  • Immense sorrow, deep emotional pain & stress from the loss of your loved one, feeling broken and overwhelmed wanting to withdraw or disconnect from usual activities?

  • Waves of anger and resentment towards friends, family, even the deceased as no one understands your loss and anguish, left feeling abandoned silencing your grief?

  • A deep yearning to connect with your loved one, wondering where they are now, desiring to understand what this Life and the Afterlife is all about, to know they are okay?

  • Turmoil and heartache from the many unanswered questions of Why, often blaming yourself and feeling guilty wishing you could have done more?

  • Loss of direction grieving a life that once was, standing at a crossroad yearning reason and purpose to move forward, wondering how to live in the world after loss?

In this Temple of Fire, you will…

Purge Emotional & Psychological Stress … so you can through creative expression, fire offerings and rituals alchemize grief trauma to create a renewed sense of emotional wellbeing and vitality connected with self and life to Live again.

Connect with other souls grieving … so you can safely express the heavy emotions of grief without judgement to feel understood, be witnessed and deeply listened to, creating new bonds with others and not feel alone or silenced in grief.

Learn of the AfterLife existence … so you can get in touch with your spiritual self, a curious inward journey through ritual in search of meaning to learn about Life, Death and the Afterlife. Discover Who You Are and awaken from a world of detachment to your world of truth and enlightenment, knowing your loved one is okay. 

Gain collective wisdom … so you can normalise and ‘make sense of what happened’ through shared healing stories of hope and rituals. To find strength, release fears and give power to your voice to express your truth. Empowering all so as not to feel alone and create loving memories in honour of our loved ones.

Ignite a Renewed Strength of Self … so you can adapt to your new normal after loss and move into acceptance of what is, and create a pathway forward with clear direction as you bring yourself into alignment with your life purpose and find ways to turn love into action.

Are you ready to heal and rise strong from the ashes into renewal and live again?

$88 AUD for a 3 hour group experience

Melissa has a lovely calming voice and has a personality where you can easily let yourself go and know you will be held in a safe trusting space. I would highly recommend Melissa...
— Dennis Brady

Permit the Spark of Infinite Light to Burn

Permit the Spark of Infinite Light to Burn ✧