Work through Me

With other Kindred Souls on a 12 month Powerful Grief Healing Journey!

When grief is part of your story, it needs to be held to be healed. We cannot heal what has not been processed, and it takes time to move through the pain of loss and grief
— brene brown


When nothing seems to make sense, when your heart is shattered, and you question the purpose of it all because you've lost one of your greatest loves and the meaning of life.

You might find yourself pondering, "Why keep going?" as you struggle to envision a future without your beloved. 

You might feel guilty about experiencing happiness and joy again, fearing that moving forward in life means forgetting or dishonouring your beloved.

I completely understand your feelings, and it's okay to feel this way!

Yet, You are not meant to endure a life of pain and suffering, and your loved one wouldn't want that for you either!

It took me some time to see a path forward, to come to terms with my loss, and to allow myself to embrace happiness and joy once more.

That's why I'm grateful you're here.

Welcome, I am Melissa…

You might have arrived at a pivotal moment where you realise there's no way to avoid the pain. However, you understand that the only path ahead involves navigating this mental and emotional turmoil to find significance in this loss and in everything that has shaped your life until now.

For me, standing at this crossroads presented a crucial decision on the direction my life would take. As I gazed into a deep, dark abyss, I made the choice to embrace life! This decision meant confronting challenges head-on, facing truths, fears, and sorrows directly.

And so, I embraced the journey to emerge from the Dark Night of the Soul. Let me assure you, this path is not for the faint-hearted, just like this year-long private mentorship won't be. However...

You must be willing to embrace change, to shift from how you've lived your life so far;

You must harbour a deep longing for a future filled with profound purpose, waiting for your mission to unfold;

You must yearn or desire to connect with the spiritual realm and possibly with life beyond!

Have you sensed your inner strength urging you, felt a spark of light kindling inside, urging you to choose life?
Willing you to Rise Strong through this adversity, despite all the hurt from your loss, encouraging you to leap forward with this crucial opportunity that now awaits for deep healing and soul expansion. Willing you to move forward from the crossroads into the new you, your new Life because one thing I know about loss is, that you are never the same person again!

Listen to your soul's yearnings for change, urging you to embrace transformation and move beyond the challenges, into a renewed sense of self, purpose, and belonging because it’s your Higher self calling you to follow your heart!

During my personal journey through grief, one burning question was the whereabouts of my son. This quest led me to explore the essence of life and the afterlife, sparking a passion for compassionate action. This drive transformed my loss and love for my son into a meaningful purpose to support others, including my mission to destigmatize discussions around death and grief, offering solace to many.

Since that pivotal moment, through heart mending, profound insights, and the pursuit of self-discovery, along with a self determination to uncover my life's calling, my vision took shape as "Rising Strong Holistic Healing" Grief Therapy Services.

The crowning jewel of RSHH is the unparalleled 12-month Signature Mentorship program!

Are you willing to Rise Strong through your adversity, despite all the hurt from your loss, to be encouraged to leap forward with this crucial opportunity that now awaits… for deep healing and soul expansion?

Are you willing to move forward from this crossroad into the new you, your new Life?

Join now a powerful and sacred Grief & Trauma Loss healing journey delivered both privately and in group with other kindred souls. Be led and empowered forward from the crossroads through unique masterclass teachings, guided rituals and more so you can rise stronger into the new you, your new Life with purpose and meaning.

Are you ready…

To silence the cries of the Dark Knight of the Soul, heal a broken heart and rise strong through this adversity into a renewed strength of self?

To release the mental, emotional turmoil of grief & loss, reduce anxiety and learn strategies that will help with all life’s challenges so you can experience happiness and joy again?

To take steps forward from the crossroads through the stages of grief, to understand what this experience means now with your life as you come into peaceful acceptance?

To activate the new you, your new life around your loss, to turn your loss into compassionate action and re-enter life creating a purposeful future forward?


Saying yes and acknowledging your presence takes bravery, and I appreciate you being here.

I understand the pain you are going through, and I feel privileged that you have chosen me to support you as you move forward toward your future self after experiencing loss.

By committing to this journey, you have my promise to guide your soul with love and compassion, Activating your Divine Spark to help you find your true self and sense of belonging.

Let's ignite Love, Purpose, and Connection!


(this information helps me understand how I can best serve you in relation to the impacts of grief trauma).
Are you standing at a Crossroads?
Tick all boxes that tell me exactly what you need from me, within this 12 month mentorship program.
Do you have family and/or friends who can support you along this path during the 12 months? If no, what other supports would you need?
This Signature Mentorship is an important investment towards your personal development and future. It has great potential to change your life! Remember, grief emotions place you in a position of vulnerability especially with decision making. For this reason, I encourage you to discuss your intentions with someone you trust who will empower you to make an informed decision before committing to the 12 month Signature Mentorship? Do you have someone who can assist you with your investment decision?